Зверей жалко немного.
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- Зарегистрирован: Пт июл 22, 2022 1:02 pm
- IncognitoUS
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- Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 10, 2022 5:50 pm
Re: 37.5
Bobeg писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 7:47 amэто усиленый какой-то дополнительной кислотой амоксициллин.IncognitoUS писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 7:44 am
а это что?
К врачу нужно. Прочимса может быть любая. Или корона в легкой форме, или воспалительный процесс, или не дай бог какая-нибудь опухоль. Поэтому не ждите, а к врачу срочно.
а что такое прочимса?
Прична. Опечатка.
- IncognitoUS
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- Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 10, 2022 5:50 pm
- IncognitoUS
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- Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 10, 2022 5:50 pm
Re: 37.5
1. do you have any lumps on your neck?
2.Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks of months?
3.Do you have any lumps in your armpit?
4.Do you or your family have origins from a country in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or North African regions?
5. Do you have any sores inside your mouth?
6.Has your face become unusually pale?
7. Do you tend to bruise easily?
8.Do you feel dizzy?
9.Are you feeling cold or shivering for no apparent reason?
10.Do you have any mouth pain which isn't toothache?
11.Do you have abdominal pain?
12.Are your joints stuff in the morning and does the stiffness get better after some time?
13.Do you have trouble moving your shoulder in its full range of motion?
14.Do you have any shoulder pain?
15.Do you have a cough?
16. Do you limp when walking?
17.Is your abdominal area tender?
18.Do you have joint pain in any of your fingers, or either of your thumbs?
19.Have you lost your appetite?
20.How are your symptoms changing over time?
2.Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks of months?
3.Do you have any lumps in your armpit?
4.Do you or your family have origins from a country in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or North African regions?
5. Do you have any sores inside your mouth?
6.Has your face become unusually pale?
7. Do you tend to bruise easily?
8.Do you feel dizzy?
9.Are you feeling cold or shivering for no apparent reason?
10.Do you have any mouth pain which isn't toothache?
11.Do you have abdominal pain?
12.Are your joints stuff in the morning and does the stiffness get better after some time?
13.Do you have trouble moving your shoulder in its full range of motion?
14.Do you have any shoulder pain?
15.Do you have a cough?
16. Do you limp when walking?
17.Is your abdominal area tender?
18.Do you have joint pain in any of your fingers, or either of your thumbs?
19.Have you lost your appetite?
20.How are your symptoms changing over time?
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- Зарегистрирован: Ср июн 15, 2022 4:01 am
- :: viewtopic.php?p=857181#p857181
Re: 37.5
IncognitoUS писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 8:37 am 1. do you have any lumps on your neck?
swallen glands
2.Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks of months?
3.Do you have any lumps in your armpit?
4.Do you or your family have origins from a country in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or North African regions?
5. Do you have any sores inside your mouth?
6.Has your face become unusually pale?
7. Do you tend to bruise easily?
8.Do you feel dizzy?
9.Are you feeling cold or shivering for no apparent reason?
10.Do you have any mouth pain which isn't toothache?
11.Do you have abdominal pain?
12.Are your joints stuff in the morning and does the stiffness get better after some time?
13.Do you have trouble moving your shoulder in its full range of motion?
14.Do you have any shoulder pain?
15.Do you have a cough?
16. Do you limp when walking?
17.Is your abdominal area tender?
18.Do you have joint pain in any of your fingers, or either of your thumbs?
19.Have you lost your appetite?
20.How are your symptoms changing over time?
fever went from 37.2 to 37.8 in 25 days
- BarBoss
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Re: 37.5
Скорее бытовой спермотоксикоз.
Кстати какая температура в жилье/офисе? Мож понизь градус.
Спасение утопающих дело рук...
Ты кобель Барбосс, и этим все сказано. (ц)
Так я же на мопеде...(ц)
Ты кобель Барбосс, и этим все сказано. (ц)
Так я же на мопеде...(ц)
- Mad Hatter
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн июн 13, 2022 7:22 am
- Откуда: Торонто
Re: 37.5
Все хотят такого врача.Bobeg писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 6:22 amврачи выписали аугментин. он ничего не делает, ничего не меняется. а аугментин он сильный.
что делать дальше?
в принципе я могу перефразировать вопрос. где найти такого врача который не тупорылое мудило.
если верить всяким тиви сериалам про врачей.
у них должно быть так. они делают осмотр, исследование, и ставят диагноз.
а потом начинают этот диагноз лечить.
а на практике происходит иначе. врач ничего не исследует, и делает просто предположение, какое в голову придет
базируясь на симптомах.
а я хачу врача который будет как в телесериалах.
В любом случае - пей/ешь пробиотик, лечись от последствий антибиотика.
- Reactions: 1693
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- Зарегистрирован: Пт июл 22, 2022 1:02 pm
- IncognitoUS
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- Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 10, 2022 5:50 pm
Re: 37.5
еще вопросы есть.Bobeg писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 9:03 amIncognitoUS писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 8:37 am 1. do you have any lumps on your neck?
swallen glands
2.Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks of months?
3.Do you have any lumps in your armpit?
4.Do you or your family have origins from a country in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or North African regions?
5. Do you have any sores inside your mouth?
6.Has your face become unusually pale?
7. Do you tend to bruise easily?
8.Do you feel dizzy?
9.Are you feeling cold or shivering for no apparent reason?
10.Do you have any mouth pain which isn't toothache?
11.Do you have abdominal pain?
12.Are your joints stuff in the morning and does the stiffness get better after some time?
13.Do you have trouble moving your shoulder in its full range of motion?
14.Do you have any shoulder pain?
15.Do you have a cough?
16. Do you limp when walking?
17.Is your abdominal area tender?
18.Do you have joint pain in any of your fingers, or either of your thumbs?
19.Have you lost your appetite?
20.How are your symptoms changing over time?
fever went from 37.2 to 37.8 in 25 days
ну нафиг.
Скачай сам приложение Аdа, кстати очень неплохое, у меня еще не ошибался.
- IncognitoUS
- Reactions: 1194
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- Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 10, 2022 5:50 pm
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- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: 37.5
Я не врач, но похоже, какой-то небольшой воспалительный процесс, лимфатический узлы на шее и температура. а вы болели ковидом? Почему-то ето всплыло, у меня была дли-и-и-тельная история. До сих пор не полностью вкус и запах восстановился, хотя все выглядело как легкая простуда.Bobeg писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 9:03 amIncognitoUS писал(а): ↑Ср янв 25, 2023 8:37 am 1. do you have any lumps on your neck?
swallen glands
2.Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks of months?
3.Do you have any lumps in your armpit?
4.Do you or your family have origins from a country in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or North African regions?
5. Do you have any sores inside your mouth?
6.Has your face become unusually pale?
7. Do you tend to bruise easily?
8.Do you feel dizzy?
9.Are you feeling cold or shivering for no apparent reason?
10.Do you have any mouth pain which isn't toothache?
11.Do you have abdominal pain?
12.Are your joints stuff in the morning and does the stiffness get better after some time?
13.Do you have trouble moving your shoulder in its full range of motion?
14.Do you have any shoulder pain?
15.Do you have a cough?
16. Do you limp when walking?
17.Is your abdominal area tender?
18.Do you have joint pain in any of your fingers, or either of your thumbs?
19.Have you lost your appetite?
20.How are your symptoms changing over time?
fever went from 37.2 to 37.8 in 25 days
Хотя, туберкулез дает температуру 37.1, говоря о небольшом воспалении. Давно делали анализы? Я бы начала с анализов крови, как там лейкоциты, вдруг действительно какое-то воспаление, а потом уже пить, что попадя.