Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 24, 2022 1:35 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Uzito »

Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 10:35 am А тракеры из Узбекистана и Таджикистана тоже бойкотируют Флориду?
Спрашиваю по тому что у меня доля в двух школах тракеров и я знаю откуда идёт больше всего студентов.
"Florida is a well-known BLACK HOLE for freight. If you get a load to Miami it will pay REALLY WELL. That is because once you are in Florida, you will most likely drive out MT or find something for $1.15 or less. Better than nothing. Real freight would be in Georgia."

"Florida outbound rates are so awful I wouldnt go to FL either. They told my dispatcher if he sends anything to Florida he will be personally paying the fuel costs to get out. We also wont hire anyone that lives in Florida because it costs too much getting them home and back. Florida is a consumption state that produces almost nothing, the shippers take total advantage of that."

За доставку во Флориду платят хорошо. Просто для того чтобы заманить водителей, которые знают что получить груз из Флориды в другой штат займёт день-два и будет плохо оплачиваться.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Uzito писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:03 am
Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 10:35 am А тракеры из Узбекистана и Таджикистана тоже бойкотируют Флориду?
Спрашиваю по тому что у меня доля в двух школах тракеров и я знаю откуда идёт больше всего студентов.
"Florida is a well-known BLACK HOLE for freight. If you get a load to Miami it will pay REALLY WELL. That is because once you are in Florida, you will most likely drive out MT or find something for $1.15 or less. Better than nothing. Real freight would be in Georgia."

"Florida outbound rates are so awful I wouldnt go to FL either. They told my dispatcher if he sends anything to Florida he will be personally paying the fuel costs to get out. We also wont hire anyone that lives in Florida because it costs too much getting them home and back. Florida is a consumption state that produces almost nothing, the shippers take total advantage of that."

За доставку во Флориду платят хорошо. Просто для того чтобы заманить водителей, которые знают что получить груз из Флориды в другой штат займёт день-два и будет плохо оплачиваться.
А вы попробуйте посмотреть что производит Флорида и размер её экономики.
Это не сложно найти в сети.

Вот пожалуйста первое что выдал гугл: With the 44-year-old Republican DeSantis at the helm, Florida's economy expanded about 11% from 2019 to 2022, roughly double the growth of California, Texas or New York over the same period.Jun 8, 2023
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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 24, 2022 1:35 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Uzito »

Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:10 am
За доставку во Флориду платят хорошо. Просто для того чтобы заманить водителей, которые знают что получить груз из Флориды в другой штат займёт день-два и будет плохо оплачиваться.
А вы попробуйте посмотреть что производит Флорида и размер её экономики.
Это не сложно найти в сети.
Причём тут размер экономики когда за доставку грузов платят хуже чем где бы то ни было еще?
Ни за вывоз апельсинов ни за вывоз арбузов хорошо не платят, тракерам дешевле порожняком свалить в Джоржию.

Вот что пишут тракеры с опытом:
"Freight and the rates out of Floridas have always sucked. Except for a few loads like fish and most produce loads. When I was a owner operator I refused to take Orange juice loads. They were heavy, and didn’t pay for shit.

You could get a good paying load in to Florida. But in most cases you were going to deadhead to Georgia or Alabama for a decent paying loads. That could be over 300 miles on your dime."
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Американка »

Statistics show more people are leaving Florida

TAMPA, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- It's after 5 p.m., but Atlas Van Lines agent Bob Glenn is still taking phone calls at his moving company, Atlantic Relocation.
Most of the quotes he's fielding these days are to destinations like Texas, North and South Carolina and Tennessee. This is great news for the Real Estate Markets in these areas.

He says it is part of a new trend where more residents are moving out of the Sunshine state than moving in. "It's the first time it's been flipped. Usually there's more people coming into Florida," Glenn notes. The times, they are a-changin'. A migration study released by Atlas Van Lines shows the reversal started in 2006. It got worse in 2007, as the company moved 7000 households out of Florida, compared to 5800 moving into the state. A big part of the problem is a real estate market in crisis, and a lack of opportunity.

"Nowadays it seems [with] the cost of homeowners insurance and property taxes, young families and seniors on fixed incomes, can't seem to afford it anymore," Glenn says.
The Atlas migration study mirror findings recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The agency says Florida slipped from the fourth fastest growing state in the country, to the 19th. It also had growth below the overall average in the south.

https://cashiersrealestate.blogspot.com ... aving.html
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Uzito писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:14 am
Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:10 am

А вы попробуйте посмотреть что производит Флорида и размер её экономики.
Это не сложно найти в сети.
Причём тут размер экономики когда за доставку грузов платят хуже чем где бы то ни было еще?
Ни за вывоз апельсинов ни за вывоз арбузов хорошо не платят, тракерам дешевле порожняком свалить в Джоржию.

Вот что пишут тракеры с опытом:
"Freight and the rates out of Floridas have always sucked. Except for a few loads like fish and most produce loads. When I was a owner operator I refused to take Orange juice loads. They were heavy, and didn’t pay for shit.

You could get a good paying load in to Florida. But in most cases you were going to deadhead to Georgia or Alabama for a decent paying loads. That could be over 300 miles on your dime."
Это капитализм если вы не знаете.
Платят столько сколько платят, и пока за эти деньги находят желающих больше платить не будут.
До сих пор компания в которой я отработал 28 лет не имела проблем с выводом продукции.
Возможно по тому что с мелкими лавочниками не работали, и не работают.
Заключаю подряд с 2мя крупными компаниями оперирующими по всем США и Канаде.
А как они торгуются с своими суб подрядчиками это не наше дело.
Ещё раз повторю, у нашей конторы проблем с выводом продукции и доставки их в аптеки по всей стране нет.
И не слышал что бы они были у других фармацевтических компаний имеющих производства во Флориде.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Annushka писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:34 am Statistics show more people are leaving Florida

TAMPA, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- It's after 5 p.m., but Atlas Van Lines agent Bob Glenn is still taking phone calls at his moving company, Atlantic Relocation.
Most of the quotes he's fielding these days are to destinations like Texas, North and South Carolina and Tennessee. This is great news for the Real Estate Markets in these areas.

He says it is part of a new trend where more residents are moving out of the Sunshine state than moving in. "It's the first time it's been flipped. Usually there's more people coming into Florida," Glenn notes. The times, they are a-changin'. A migration study released by Atlas Van Lines shows the reversal started in 2006. It got worse in 2007, as the company moved 7000 households out of Florida, compared to 5800 moving into the state. A big part of the problem is a real estate market in crisis, and a lack of opportunity.

"Nowadays it seems [with] the cost of homeowners insurance and property taxes, young families and seniors on fixed incomes, can't seem to afford it anymore," Glenn says.
The Atlas migration study mirror findings recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The agency says Florida slipped from the fourth fastest growing state in the country, to the 19th. It also had growth below the overall average in the south.

https://cashiersrealestate.blogspot.com ... aving.html
А то что Калифорния, Нью-Йорк и т.д., не растут а шринькаются вас не волнует?
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

В городе Феникс, штат Аризона запретили строительство новых домов.
Представляете как там цены подскочат.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн июн 13, 2022 11:08 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение mikeG »

Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:42 am В городе Феникс, штат Аризона запретили строительство новых домов.
Представляете как там цены подскочат.
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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 17, 2022 9:21 am

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение self »

mikeG писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 12:05 pm
Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:42 am В городе Феникс, штат Аризона запретили строительство новых домов.
Представляете как там цены подскочат.
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Вы играете на руку сторонникам культа глобального потепления! Рынок все выправит!
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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 24, 2022 1:35 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Uzito »

Феникс и Лас Вегас это памятники человеческой гордыне.
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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 17, 2022 9:21 am

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение self »

Uzito писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 12:17 pm Феникс и Лас Вегас это памятники человеческой гордыне.
Гордыня - это нормально, если за свой счет
«Моя речь бывает блестящей, а бывает - с матовым покрытием»
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

mikeG писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 12:05 pm
Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:42 am В городе Феникс, штат Аризона запретили строительство новых домов.
Представляете как там цены подскочат.
Вода кончилась?
Почти. В скважинах уровень с трудом поддерживается..
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Uzito писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 12:17 pm Феникс и Лас Вегас это памятники человеческой гордыне.
Как и все города.
Предлагаете их разрушить?
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Американка »

Another insurer is leaving Florida.

...despite DeSantis signing multiple legislative packages since May 2022 designed to curtail skyrocketing rates, the state’s property insurance problem is still far from solved. More than a half-dozen insurers have withdrawn from Florida or faced insolvency in the past 18 months, all as record Atlantic Ocean temperatures have spurred hurricane forecasters to boost predictions for an above-average season this year.

https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-p ... tis-blame/
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Американка »

Brevard families leaving Florida: Why they say Sunshine State no longer feels like home

Eli Logan lived the first 46 years of her life in her native Florida. She probably, she said, would have "stayed 46 more."

But between the state's politics pushing hard to the right and a slew of new laws affecting Florida's LGBTQ+ community, schools and more, she's joined the ranks of those leaving Florida for places they find safer for themselves and their families.

Logan, her husband and their three daughters recently left Brevard for an area of Georgia that's a splash of political blue northeast of Atlanta. It's a place this nurse practitioner sees as a "better, healthier place" to raise the couple's children, the oldest of whom identifies as gay.

he's not alone. When Logan announced her family's move on Facebook, well wishes were punctuated with messages like "We can’t stay either. It’s not safe and it’s not headed in a healthy direction." Over the past few weeks, other goodbyes have popped up across social media, like that of Stacey and Sanjay Patel, staples of the Brevard County Democratic Party for several years. And Wendy Johnson, who explained in an impassioned Facebook post why she, her husband and their daughter would soon be moving to New York.

Some say the exodus of those feeling disenchanted and disenfranchised has only just started. Even former Florida Rep. David Jolly, a Republican, said he considered leaving the state where he was born and raised, citing DeSantis' attacks on migrants, the LGBTQ community and African Americans.

“Why would I want to raise my kids in an environment in which they’re shamed for embracing diversity of thought and diverse cultures?” Jolly said in a May 21 interview on MSNBC...

https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news ... 215225007/
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Американка »

Florida’s Retirees Are Fleeing: Here’s Where They’re Going Instead

Once thought of as the ideal place to live out one’s golden years, Florida is quickly losing favor with retirees. Remote workers and the wealthy are flocking to the state and driving up home prices, leaving those on a fixed income feeling the pinch.

In just half a decade, the median price of a single-family house in Florida rose $150,000 or 60%. According to Redfin, the average cost of a home in March 2018 was approximately $250,000. In March 2023, it was roughly $400,000.

But expensive housing isn’t the only thing repelling retirees from the state. Inflation and stock market dips have also negatively impacted their financial situation.

In response, seniors are seeking more affordable places to call home. For example, many are moving to Limestone County, Alabama, the fastest-growing county in the state. The area boasts lakefront property, warm weather and low property taxes, so it only makes sense that it’s considered a substitute for The Sunshine State.

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/florida- ... A-HW2CR18v
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Annushka писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 12:47 pm Brevard families leaving Florida: Why they say Sunshine State no longer feels like home

Eli Logan lived the first 46 years of her life in her native Florida. She probably, she said, would have "stayed 46 more."

But between the state's politics pushing hard to the right and a slew of new laws affecting Florida's LGBTQ+ community, schools and more, she's joined the ranks of those leaving Florida for places they find safer for themselves and their families.

Logan, her husband and their three daughters recently left Brevard for an area of Georgia that's a splash of political blue northeast of Atlanta. It's a place this nurse practitioner sees as a "better, healthier place" to raise the couple's children, the oldest of whom identifies as gay.

he's not alone. When Logan announced her family's move on Facebook, well wishes were punctuated with messages like "We can’t stay either. It’s not safe and it’s not headed in a healthy direction." Over the past few weeks, other goodbyes have popped up across social media, like that of Stacey and Sanjay Patel, staples of the Brevard County Democratic Party for several years. And Wendy Johnson, who explained in an impassioned Facebook post why she, her husband and their daughter would soon be moving to New York.

Some say the exodus of those feeling disenchanted and disenfranchised has only just started. Even former Florida Rep. David Jolly, a Republican, said he considered leaving the state where he was born and raised, citing DeSantis' attacks on migrants, the LGBTQ community and African Americans.

“Why would I want to raise my kids in an environment in which they’re shamed for embracing diversity of thought and diverse cultures?” Jolly said in a May 21 interview on MSNBC...

https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news ... 215225007/
Педики и лесбы уезжают.
Прикажете плакать?
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 16, 2022 11:09 am

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Irena »

Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:10 am
Uzito писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:03 am

"Florida is a well-known BLACK HOLE for freight. If you get a load to Miami it will pay REALLY WELL. That is because once you are in Florida, you will most likely drive out MT or find something for $1.15 or less. Better than nothing. Real freight would be in Georgia."

"Florida outbound rates are so awful I wouldnt go to FL either. They told my dispatcher if he sends anything to Florida he will be personally paying the fuel costs to get out. We also wont hire anyone that lives in Florida because it costs too much getting them home and back. Florida is a consumption state that produces almost nothing, the shippers take total advantage of that."

За доставку во Флориду платят хорошо. Просто для того чтобы заманить водителей, которые знают что получить груз из Флориды в другой штат займёт день-два и будет плохо оплачиваться.
А вы попробуйте посмотреть что производит Флорида и размер её экономики.
Это не сложно найти в сети.

Вот пожалуйста первое что выдал гугл: With the 44-year-old Republican DeSantis at the helm, Florida's economy expanded about 11% from 2019 to 2022, roughly double the growth of California, Texas or New York over the same period.Jun 8, 2023
А вот полная статья, откуда вырвана эта цитата, находится в гугле за 1 щелчок мышки.

https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/desantis-sa ... 9.amp.html

А вот заголовок этой статьи:
"DeSantis Says He Can Make the US Richer Like Florida. The Reality Is More Complicated"(с)

А я предупреждала...
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Американка »

14,266 views Jul 14, 2023
Before he launched his official campaign for President, Ron DeSantis had attracted plenty of big time Republican donors - including many that had supported Trump in the past. But those days seem like an eternity ago, and many of those same donors are watching in horror as DeSantis' campaign continues to go down in flames. These donors are now looking around at other candidates, and several of them have decided that Republican Senator Tim Scott is their new candidate du jour. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Re: Возможно Республиканцы плохие, НО!!!!!

Сообщение Mockva703 »

Irena писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 1:08 pm
Mockva703 писал(а): Пт июл 14, 2023 11:10 am

А вы попробуйте посмотреть что производит Флорида и размер её экономики.
Это не сложно найти в сети.

Вот пожалуйста первое что выдал гугл: With the 44-year-old Republican DeSantis at the helm, Florida's economy expanded about 11% from 2019 to 2022, roughly double the growth of California, Texas or New York over the same period.Jun 8, 2023
А вот полная статья, откуда вырвана эта цитата, находится в гугле за 1 щелчок мышки.

https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/desantis-sa ... 9.amp.html

А вот заголовок этой статьи:
"DeSantis Says He Can Make the US Richer Like Florida. The Reality Is More Complicated"(с)

А я предупреждала...
Вы всерьёз думаете что что я боюсь что кто то прочтёт статью?
Наоборот если кто то прочтёт будет тема для разговора.
Если как вы прочтут по диагонали, значит говорить не скем.