А куда подевалась Меланья? Нигде, нигде не появляется с Honest Don.
И в новостях стало что-то замеченное проскальзывать, вдруг...
In the comment section, social media netizens claimed that Donald never displayed chivalrous behavior during public appearances with Melania.
One user commented, "I don't remember ever seeing him be chivalrous. There are a lot of videos showing him [getting] into cars first, walking in front of her on tarmacs, etc. She's just another object to him, like the former Queen."
Another person remarked, "He didn't as president either. If it was raining and they were walking to the helicopter, he kept the umbrella to himself and let her get wet. He would get in the vehicle on the closest side and shut the door. She would have to go around to the other side."
A third person said, "TBF, he didn't do it at his inauguration--he treated her like dirt. He's often, for years, barged ahead of her, kept the umbrella for himself, etc. I know she's prob made her peace w/whatever (or maybe it never bothered her), but I would be unhappy if my husband did that."
One more user added, "Please. He rarely let her go first or walked by her side when they were in the White House. He was always stomping off ahead of her & hogging the umbrella when it was raining."
Но то же жена, а вот для народа можно всё даже невозможное сделать, вот буквально всё!