Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

@ChatGPT Write a bash script which does the following:
take a command line argument (a string enclosed in double quotes containing words separated by vertical bar | ), split it to separate words and put the words in an array. Words can be surrounded by any number of spaces, strip all those spaces. Finally, print the resulting array to stdout.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

WebFunk писал(а): Write a bash script which does the following:
take a command line argument (a string enclosed in double quotes containing words separated by vertical bar | ), split it to separate words and put the words in an array. Words can be surrounded by any number of spaces, strip all those spaces. Finally, print the resulting array to stdout.
Here's a bash script that will do what you've asked for. Save this script as `split_words.sh`, give it executable permissions with `chmod +x split_words.sh`, and run it using `./split_words.sh "word1 | word2 | word3"`.


# Input: a string enclosed in double quotes containing words separated by vertical bar |
# Example usage: ./split_words.sh "word1 | word2 | word3"

input_string="$1" # The first command line argument is the input string.

# Check if an argument is provided.
if [ -z "$input_string" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 \"word1 | word2 | word3\""
exit 1

# Split the string into an array using the vertical bar as a delimiter.
# Trims leading and trailing whitespaces from each word.
# Using process substitution to avoid issues with word splitting and globbing.
readarray -t words < <(awk 'BEGIN{RS="|"; FS="^ *| *$"} {print $1}' <<< "$input_string")

# Print the resulting array to stdout
echo "Resulting Array:"
printf " [%s]\n" "${words[@]}"

This script takes one command line argument, which should be a string enclosed in double quotes where words are separated by a vertical bar (`|`). It uses `awk` to split that string into an array, while trimming any leading and trailing spaces around each word. The resulting array items are printed one per line.

If your version of `bash` does not support `readarray`, you can use a loop to fill the array manually:



if [ -z "$input_string" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 \"word1 | word2 | word3\""
exit 1

# Old method of reading into an array if readarray is not available.
IFS='|' read -ra words <<< "$input_string"
for i in "${!words[@]}"; do
words[$i]=$(echo "${words[$i]}" | xargs)

echo "Resulting Array:"
printf " [%s]\n" "${words[@]}"

This variant of the script uses `IFS` (Internal Field Separator) for splitting the string and `xargs` to trim the spaces. The loop iterates over each element and trims the leading and trailing whitespace. The result is the same – it prints the array where each word is a separate element.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

@ChatGPT Write code in bash which does following. I have a string of alphanumeric characters, then a number in brackets. I need to extract this number into a variable. Example: sdfsd.lkjlkj(25), need to extract 25.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

WebFunk писал(а): Write code in bash which does following. I have a string of alphanumeric characters, then a number in brackets. I need to extract this number into a variable. Example: sdfsd.lkjlkj(25), need to extract 25.
You can use `grep` along with a regular expression to extract the number from the string. Here's a bash script snippet that accomplishes this:


# Example input

# Use grep with Perl-compatible regex to extract the number
number=$(echo "$input_string" | grep -oP '\(\K[0-9]+(?=\))')

# Check if we found a number and print it or an error message
if [[ $number ]]; then
echo "Extracted number: $number"
echo "No number found in string"

This script uses `grep` with `-o` to only output the matching part of the string, `-P` to enable Perl-compatible regular expressions, and a regex pattern that looks for digits `[0-9]+` inside parentheses while excluding the parentheses themselves using `\(`, `\K` (which drops what's been matched so far from the output), and a lookahead assertion `(?=\))` to assert that the number is followed by a closing parenthesis.

Make sure your system supports `grep` with the `-P` flag, as not all grep versions support Perl-compatible regular expressions. This works on GNU grep. If you're on a system like macOS or another where `-P` might not be supported, you can use `sed` or `awk` instead.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

ChatGPT писал(а): Вс мар 03, 2024 6:17 amYou can use `grep` along with a regular expression to...
The problem is that numbers may be in preceding string. Write another variant of code which looks for ( in regex.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Начало беседы из 4 сообщений (719 токенов из 8192 использовано)
WebFunk писал(а): The problem is that numbers may be in preceding string. Write another variant of code which looks for ( in regex.
Certainly! If you want to ensure that the number is the one within parentheses and not just any number in the string, we can modify the regex pattern accordingly. Instead of using `grep`, let's use `sed` which is universally available on Unix-like systems:


# Example input

# Use sed to extract the number within parentheses
number=$(echo "$input_string" | sed -n 's/.*(\([0-9]\+\)).*/\1/p')

# Check if we found a number and print it or an error message
if [[ $number ]]; then
echo "Extracted number: $number"
echo "No number found in string"

In this `sed` command:
- `-n` is used to suppress automatic printing of pattern space.
- `s/.*(\([0-9]\+\)).*/\1/p` is the substitution command:
- `.*(` matches any characters up to and including the first opening parenthesis.
- `\([0-9]\+\)` is the capture group for one or more digits inside the parentheses. The `+` is escaped as `\+` to indicate one or more repetitions.
- `).*` matches the rest of the line after the closing parenthesis.
- `\1` is a backreference to the captured group (the number).
- `p` at the end tells `sed` to print only the replaced lines.

This will reliably extract the number within the parentheses, even if there are other numbers present in the string outside of the parentheses.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

@ChatGPT Write code in bash which does following. I have a string of characters a-z,0-9,. , then a number in brackets. I need to extract this number into a variable. Example: sd9fsd.lkjlkj(25), need to extract 25.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

WebFunk писал(а): Write code in bash which does following. I have a string of characters a-z,0-9,. , then a number in brackets. I need to extract this number into a variable. Example: sd9fsd.lkjlkj(25), need to extract 25.
To extract the number inside the brackets from a given string in bash, you can use a regular expression with `bash`'s built-in support for pattern matching or you could use an external tool like `grep`, `sed`, or `awk`. Here are two ways to achieve this:

1. Using bash pattern matching with the `BASH_REMATCH` array:


# Example input string

# Regular expression to match a number inside brackets ()

if [[ $input_string =~ $regex ]]; then
# The matched number is stored in the BASH_REMATCH array at index 1
echo "No number found in brackets."
exit 1

echo "Extracted number: $number"

2. Using `grep` with Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE):


# Example input string

# Use grep with PCRE to extract the number inside brackets
number=$(echo "$input_string" | grep -oP '\(\K[0-9]+(?=\))')

if [ -z "$number" ]; then
echo "No number found in brackets."
exit 1

echo "Extracted number: $number"

In both examples, the extracted number is stored in the variable `$number`. You can replace the example input string with your own data. If you're using the `grep` solution, make sure that your version of `grep` supports the `-P` flag for Perl-compatible regular expressions.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

ChatGPT писал(а): Вс мар 03, 2024 6:26 amTo extract the number inside the brackets from a given...
I know that there may be only digits in the brackets. Can you give me a simpler solution?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Начало беседы из 4 сообщений (627 токенов из 8192 использовано)
WebFunk писал(а): I know that there may be only digits in the brackets. Can you give me a simpler solution?
Certainly! If you know that there will only be digits inside the brackets, you can simplify the extraction process using bash parameter expansion. Here's a straightforward approach:


# Example input string

# Strip everything up to and including the first '(' from the string

# Now strip everything after and including the first ')' from the remaining string

echo "Extracted number: $number"

This code snippet uses parameter expansion to remove parts of the string up to and including the opening bracket `(`, then it removes everything from the closing bracket `)` to the end of the string, which leaves us with just the number in between the brackets. The variable `number` will contain the extracted number.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ЖестДобройМоли »

@ChatGPT Need a way to make checkboxes required on the MR level in gitlab
I currently have this using GitLab Flavored Markdown * [ ] Tests but it does not make checkbox required
Сидите и не пидиди :pardon:
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

ЖестДобройМоли писал(а): Need a way to make checkboxes required on the MR level in gitlab
I currently have this using GitLab Flavored Markdown * [ ] Tests but it does not make checkbox required
GitLab does not currently have a built-in feature to enforce checkboxes in merge requests (MRs) as required fields. Merge Request approvals and discussions can enforce some level of manual confirmation, but checkboxes within the MR description or comments cannot be set as mandatory before merging.

However, you can sort of implement a workaround by utilizing GitLab's Merge Request Approvals alongside with the MR description template:

1. **Merge Request Template**: Define a Merge Request template with the checkboxes you want included in every MR, and instruct your developers to use this template every time they create a new MR.

For example, in your `.gitlab/merge_request_templates/Default.md` you could have:

### Checklist

- [ ] Tests have been added/updated
- [ ] Documentation has been updated
- [ ] I have self-reviewed my MR

Please make sure all of the above are checked before merging.

2. **Merge Request Approval Rules**: You can require MRs to be approved by specific individuals or by members of a particular group. You can communicate to your approvers that they should not approve the MR unless all checkboxes are checked.

3. **Contribution Guide**: Add a section to your CONTRIBUTING.md or any similar documentation to communicate clearly that all checkboxes need to be checked for an MR to be considered complete. This will not enforce the rule programmatically, but instead relies on the discipline of the team members.

4. **Custom Automation**: If you want something more automated, you might want to look into creating a custom CI/CD job that checks the description of an MR for completed tasks (checkboxes). You can use the GitLab API to get the MR description and parse it to verify checkboxes, then fail the pipeline if the checkboxes are not marked as completed.

Here is a basic outline of what the custom CI/CD job script might look like using bash:

check_checkboxes() {
local unchecked_boxes=$(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN" "$CI_API_V4_URL/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/merge_requests/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID/notes" | jq '.[].body' | grep -cP '\-\s\[\s\]')

if [ "$unchecked_boxes" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "There are $unchecked_boxes unchecked checkboxes in the MR. All checkboxes must be completed before merging."
exit 1
echo "All checkboxes are completed."


Keep in mind that you would need to:

- Replace `GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN` with your private access token.
- Install and configure `jq` to parse JSON in Bash.
- Make sure this script runs as part of a job in your `.gitlab-ci.yml`.

Remember that any approach that doesn't strictly enforce the requirement through GitLab features will rely on social contract and disciplined adherence to the guidelines by your development team. Always communicate clearly the importance of these checkboxes and the reasons why they must be checked before merging.
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Зарегистрирован: Сб июн 11, 2022 9:14 pm

Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение redLight »

@ChatGPT , what do you know about the site privet.fun?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

redLight писал(а): , what do you know about the site privet.fun?
As of my last update in April 2023, I don't have specific information about a site named "privet.fun." The nature of websites can vary widely, and new sites are created all the time. This particular site could be anything from a platform for social interaction, entertainment, gaming, or any number of other purposes. Without direct information or access to current internet content databases, I can't provide detailed insights into its content, purpose, safety, or ownership.

If you're interested in learning more about "privet.fun," I recommend taking the following steps:

1. **Directly Visit the Site**: Sometimes, the best way to understand what a website offers is to visit it. However, exercise caution. Ensure your device’s security software is up to date to protect against malware or phishing attempts.

2. **Read Reviews or Discussions**: Look for discussions or reviews about the site on reputable forums or tech communities. Users often share their experiences and advice which can give you a better understanding of the site.

3. **Check Web Safety Tools**: Use web safety check tools or browser extensions that can provide a safety rating or reports on the website based on various parameters like trustworthiness, child safety, etc.

4. **Look for News Articles**: If the website has gained some notoriety or significant popularity, there might be news articles or blog posts discussing it.

Remember, whether you're accessing "privet.fun" or any other site, it's important to practice safe browsing habits. Be wary of sharing personal information, beware of potential scams, and keep your device’s protection software up to date.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Nikolai_0802 »

@ChatGPT Who invented heterodyne ?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Dmitry67 »

Do you know what is psychological zombie?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Dmitry67 писал(а): Do you know what is psychological zombie?
Yes, a psychological zombie, often referred to as a "p-zombie," is a philosophical concept used primarily in discussions about consciousness and the mind. A p-zombie is a hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human in every way but lacks conscious experience—there is nothing that it is like to be a p-zombie.

In other words, while a p-zombie would behave, speak, and interact just like a normal person, it would have no internal subjective experience, or qualia. The concept is used in thought experiments to challenge physicalist theories of mind, which hold that mental states are entirely dependent on physical states.

Here's an example of how this might be discussed in a forum post:
User123 писал(а): I've been reading about the concept of psychological zombies and their implications on the philosophy of mind. Essentially, these beings act exactly like humans but lack any form of conscious experience. It's fascinating to think about whether consciousness is purely a result of physical processes or if there's something more to it. What do you all think?
If you have any further questions or need more details, feel free to ask!
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Зарегистрирован: Пн июн 13, 2022 1:51 am

Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Dmitry67 »

Please describe the perception of the world from a perspective of a psychological zombie
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Dmitry67 писал(а): Please describe the perception of the world from a perspective of a psychological zombie
A psychological zombie, or "p-zombie," is a hypothetical being that behaves indistinguishably from a human being but lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience. Here's a description from the perspective of a p-zombie using phpBB bbcode formatting:
As a p-zombie, my existence is defined by a lack of conscious experience. The world around me is perceived through sensory inputs, but there is no subjective awareness or qualitative feel attached to these perceptions. I can process information, react to stimuli, and even articulate thoughts and emotions, but I do so without any internal experience or awareness.

For example:
  • I see a red apple, but I have no experience of "redness" or any visual sensation. My actions are dictated by the data received by visual receptors and processed in a purely mechanical way.
  • I hear music, yet there is no auditory experience of melody or rhythm. The sound waves are converted into neural signals and my responses are pre-programmed, devoid of any inner enjoyment or recognition.
  • If I were to touch something hot, I would withdraw my hand and might even express pain verbally, but there is no actual feeling of pain or discomfort.
In summary, while I navigate the world and interact with it in a manner indistinguishable from a conscious being, there remains an absolute void where subjective consciousness, experience, and personal awareness should reside.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

@ChatGPT Какая твоя текущая версия?