Goddard used a perversion of Binet's intelligence scale to rank those
he considered feebleminded into varying degrees of mental incompe-
tence: idiots (pre-verbal), imbeciles (illiterate), and morons (high-
functioning). 33 For Goddard, morons, or those with mental ages of
eight through twelve, 34 posed the gravest eugenic threat because of
the ease with which they could pass for normal and reproduce. God-
dard found morons wherever he looked: criminals, alcoholics, prosti-
tutes, and anyone "incapable of adapting themselves to their
environment and living up to the conventions of society or acting sen-
sibly."135 Most immigrants also fit this classification. 36 Goddard tested
immigrants arriving at Ellis Island and found that "[t]he intelligence of the average third-class immigrant is low, perhaps of moron
grade. '3 7 Goddard concluded that "immigration of recent years is of
a decidedly different character from the early immigration .... We are
getting the poorest of each race.
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