Ага и наркоманит а тому же не по детскиЖеня Стоунер писал(а): ↑Пн ноя 04, 2024 6:47 pm Тем временем Джо Роган отдал эндорсмент Трампу. Кто не знает: Джо Роган - это чувак с толстой шеей, который матерится через интернет.

Rogan supports the legalized use of cannabis and believes it holds numerous benefits.He hosted the documentary film The Union: The Business Behind Getting High and was featured in Marijuana: A Chronic History and The Culture High. He also supports the use of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT toward the exploration and enhancement of consciousness, as well as introspection. He was the presenter in the 2010 documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.