Попробуйте ещё разок.Mad Hatter писал(а): ↑Пн ноя 04, 2024 6:50 am Да ладно. Я в Париже на машине ездил. Это капец. Трафик сумасшедший.

You’ll no longer be able to drive through these central Paris neighbourhoods
In Paris, though, that could all be about to change. City mayor Anne Hidalgo has introduced a new ‘limited traffic zone’ in certain areas of central Paris, and it kicks off today.
The zone will be enforced by online declarations, such as proof of residence, but you won’t get caught out immediately – there’s a grace period in place to get everyone used to the rules.
While critics have said this doesn’t eliminate but instead moves traffic to other areas, Paris City Hall is expecting a drop in traffic by about 30 percent, which will reduce noise pollution and improve the area’s air quality.