И че? Бар босс стоя аплодирует! Не нужны нам неженки…Uzito писал(а): ↑Чт мар 20, 2025 6:57 am Гений, блядь
RFK Jr. Unveils Plan to Combat Bird Flu: ‘Should be allowed to spread unchecked to identify birds that could be immune’
https://newrepublic.com/post/192916/rfk ... n-bird-fluSecretary of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. thinks that the bird flu should be allowed to spread unchecked to identify birds that could be immune.
Kennedy said in a recent Fox News interview that farmers “should consider maybe the possibility of letting it run through the flock so that we can identify the birds, and preserve the birds that are immune to it,” an idea that experts say would be dangerous and hurt the poultry industry.
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