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Re: Готовимся..

Сообщение Nab »

LadyLiberty писал(а): Ср май 22, 2024 3:28 pm
Килькин писал(а): Вт май 21, 2024 9:34 am .... Роль патриарха - стоять у трона, во всех православных церквях....

....Ну а что кровавый патриарх, пожилой в общем то человек, что-то там ляпнул - такое случается даже с лучшими из нас, даже с проверенными демократами и человеколюбами.
Роль патриарха и всех православных священников проповедовать Учение Христа и молиться в церквях, а не вести целенаправленную пропаганду войны и кровопролития. Настоящих священников, кто ведут себя как истиные священники, нет в расеюшке,а тех что были путлеры упекли в тюрягу за то, что они молились за МИР, а не проповедовали войну, оправдывая кровопролитие
собственно, на примере главного священника всех российских "православных церквей" патриарха Кирилла, "стоять у трона" и служить "светскому владыке" значительно выгоднее и удобнее, чем проповедовать Учение Христа и молиться в церквях.

Since 1970, the federal police of Switzerland had classified him as a KGB agent, under the name Mikhaïlov

In June 2012, Kirill was given the 2011 Silver Shoe Award (given in Russia each year "for the most dubious achievements in show business") for "immaculate disappearance of a watch" in the category "Miracles up to the elbows". The award found a pained reaction from representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church***

In 2012, Kirill was accused of wearing a Swiss Breguet watch worth over £20,000 (US$30,000). In an interview with Vladimir Solovyov, Kirill said that he owned a Breguet, among other gifts, but he had never worn it. Concerning a photo which appeared to show him wearing the Breguet at a liturgy, Kirill stated "I was looking at that picture and suddenly I understood - it was a collage! But after that photograph was posted I began examining. As many people come and make presents. And often there are boxes that were never opened and you don't know what is there. And I found out that in fact there is Breguet watch, so I've never given commentaries that the Patriarch doesn't have it. There is a box with Breguet, but I've never worn it." This triggered at least one Internet blogger to study the issue and collect images of Kirill's wristwear. Some time later, photographs on his official website showed him wearing what appeared to be an expensive watch on his left wrist, and later one even showed the watch airbrushed out, but with a reflection of it still visible on the table's glossy surface. Later, it was stated by the Russian Church officials that it was a 24-year-old employee who "acted out of stupid, unjustifiable and unauthorized initiative" in editing the photo. It was also stated that "the guilty ones [for the image manipulation] will be punished severely".

A spokesperson added that it was "unethical" to discuss Kirill's private life, and the Russian Orthodox Church said on 4 April 2012 that foreign forces were taking revenge on it for supporting Putin: "The attacks have become more prominent during the pre-election and post-election period ... This shows their political and also anti-Russian motives.

Какая страна, такой и патриарх, нах
Наб его гонял по любому поводу или без. Видимо еще сыграл роль тот факт что тот усер подцепил симпотную оперную певицу профи в жены.
А Наб, который судя по его описаниям, до сих пор любит клеить случайных шалав по старбакса ()