Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

WebFunk писал(а): What evidence or arguments are there for the non-existence of God?
The question of the existence of God is a profoundly complex one that has been debated by theologians, philosophers, scientists, and laypersons for millennia. Arguments for the non-existence of God can stem from various philosophical, scientific, empirical, and theological considerations. It is worth noting that many of these arguments don't necessarily prove non-existence but rather challenge theistic claims or provide alternative explanations that do not require the presumption of a deity. Here are several common lines of argument:

1. **The Problem of Evil:**
One of the most compelling arguments against the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God is the presence of evil and suffering in the world. The argument posits that if such a God exists, He would want to, know how to, and be able to prevent evil and suffering, yet they obviously exist. This is known as theodicy, and various forms (logical, evidential, etc.) have been offered.

2. **Lack of Empirical Evidence:**
Empirical evidence for God's existence is lacking or non-conclusive. The argument here is that we should only believe in that which can be observed or measured. Since God is typically defined as a supernatural being, His existence lies beyond the scope of scientific verification, making the hypothesis unnecessary or unfalsifiable.

3. **Occam's Razor:**
This principle suggests that one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything. In terms of the existence of God, the argument is that natural processes and explanations suffice to explain phenomena in the universe. Invoking God as an explanation may be seen as adding an unnecessary complexity.

4. **Incoherence of Divine Attributes:**
Some argue that the traditional attributes attributed to God—such as omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence—are internally inconsistent or incompatible with each other. Philosophers have presented various paradoxes, like the "Omnipotence Paradox" (Can God create a stone so heavy that even He cannot lift it?), that challenge the coherence of a supreme being possessing these qualities.

5. **Religious Plurality:**
The multitude of religions and gods believed in throughout human history can be seen as evidence against any one religion's deity being the ultimate truth. If God existed and wanted people to know Him, it seems strange that there would be such confusion and diversity about His nature.

6. **Non-belief as a Default Position:**
A basic atheistic argument is that non-belief in a deity (or deities) should be the default position, similar to the way we treat other unfalsifiable claims. The burden of proof is on those who claim God's existence, not those who doubt it.

7. **Evolutionary and Psychological Explanations:**
Some argue that belief in gods and the supernatural can be explained through evolutionary psychology as byproducts of cognitive mechanisms that evolved for other purposes, such as agency detection (pareidolia) and pattern recognition.

8. **Unanswered Prayers and Miracles:**
The lack of reliably documented miracles and the inconsistent results of prayers can be seen as evidence against a responsive deity.

9. **Philosophical Naturalism:**
The philosophical stance that nothing exists beyond the natural world provides a framework where the concept of God is inherently implausible or unnecessary.

10. **Theological Noncognitivism:**
This position asserts that the concept of God is incoherent or so poorly defined that discussing the existence of such a being is ultimately meaningless.

It should be noted that discussions around the existence of God often depend on the specific definitions and characteristics attributed to God. Theistic, atheistic, and agnostic positions all involve different beliefs and degrees of certainty regarding the existence of God. While the arguments against the existence of God can be compelling for some, others find them inconclusive or address them through various apologetic responses. Ultimately, belief or disbelief in God remains a personal and often faith-based decision, with varying degrees of reliance on rational argumentation, empirical evidence, and personal experience.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение WebFunk »

@ChatGPT Write an angst song lyrics
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

WebFunk писал(а): Write an angst song lyrics
(Verse 1)
Trapped inside these hollow walls, my shadow's my only friend,
Lost in the echoes of my silent screams, where does this road ever end?
Colors fade to gray in the light of my dismay,
Every whisper of hope decays, in the void where my heart frays.

In the stillness of the night, I'm reaching for a flame,
But every spark dies out, and I'm the only one to blame.

Here in the depths of despair, where the numbness lives and breathes,
I'm drowning in a sea of doubt, begging for a reprieve.
The mirror shows a stranger's eyes, filled with unshed tears,
Singing an anthem of my angst, to a world that never hears.

(Verse 2)
I walk on shards of broken dreams, they're piercing through my soul,
Every step, a testament to a life that's lost control.
The clock ticks on, relentless, a symphony of pain,
With every beat, it's clear to see, there's nothing left to gain.

The stars above, they've lost their light, in my universe of fear,
Each one a distant memory of a time when you were near.

Here in the depths of despair, where silence screams my name,
I'm chasing shadows in the dark, playing a losing game.
The world outside moves on and laughs, while I'm stuck in reverse,
Singing an anthem of my angst, in a never-ending curse.

Does anybody hear me? Is anybody out there?
This void is closing in on me, does anybody care?
I'm shouting into emptiness, my voice is growing weak,
I'm searching for a sign of life, a whisper or a shriek.

Here in the depths of despair, where the cold seeps into bone,
I'm fighting ghosts of yesterday, always and forever alone.
The weight of silence crushes me, a burden too heavy to bear,
Singing an anthem of my angst, with a voice worn down by wear.

So let these words be my escape, a vessel for my fears,
A melody of broken chords, a sonnet through the tears.
May this anthem of my angst, though it may never soar,
Find another tortured soul, and speak forevermore.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Vasa222 »

@ChatGPT Напиши короткий рассказ про пиратов, без букв "А, а"
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Vasa222 писал(а): Напиши короткий рассказ про пиратов, без букв "А, а"
На юге необъятного оке́на, где волны играли с солнцем, скитался корабль пиратов под черным флагом. Этот корабль носил имя "Жемчужный Вихрь". Стальные мужчины и женщины, лишенные страха перед бурями и врагами, управляли им.

Среди них был капитан без глаза - суровый, но справедливый, одетый в тряпки, но с сердцем, полным храбрости. Его звали Крюк, и он руководил экипжем с помощью длинного клинка и старой карты сокровищ.

Однажды, в лунную ночь, когда море вздымалось мягким шепотом, корабль столкнулся с вооруженной до зубов галеоной торговцев. Бой начался мгновенно: крики, треск пушек, свист стрел и грохот сабель наполнили пространство.

Пираты, не испытывшие в битве равных, стремительно прыгали на борт вражеского суден. Свирепый Крюк первым врезался в схватку и его клинок лихо разделял воздух. Противник был хитер, но усталость взяла верх.

"Жемчужный Вихрь" поглотил трофей, потери исцелились угощением из захваченных бочонков с ромом. Пираты принялись отмечать победу, и в ночи разносились песни о море, смех и звон бокалов.

С этой ночи слава о силе Крюка и его корабля распространилась по всему оке́ну, и кто угодно, видя черный флаг с черепом, предпочитал менять курс, чтобы избегнуть столкновения с "Жемчужным Вихрем".
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Женя Стоунер
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Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 26, 2022 12:45 pm

Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Женя Стоунер »

что то искуственный интеллектик ниасилил задачу
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение gameon »

Женя Стоунер писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 11:04 am что то искуственный интеллектик ниасилил задачу
прекрасно все сделал без "A, a".

Если надо было без буквы а, так надо было и писать : "А", "а".
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Женя Стоунер
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Женя Стоунер »

gameon писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 2:33 pm
Женя Стоунер писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 11:04 am что то искуственный интеллектик ниасилил задачу
прекрасно все сделал без "A, a".

Если надо было без буквы а, так надо было и писать : "А", "а".
Как понимать "А, а"? Это не фрагмент, т.к. сказано "без букв", тем более чтобы слово заканчивалось большой буквой, это должна быть аббревиатура
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

@ChatGPT Напиши короткий рассказ про пиратов, не используя букву "п".
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Uzito писал(а): Напиши короткий рассказ про пиратов, не используя букву "п".
Жили-были морские разбойники на старом бриге, именем "Чёрная волна". Отважный капитан и его дружина вели корабль сквозь штормы и штили, в поисках сокровищ и приключений.

Однажды, ориентируясь на карту с крестом, они достигли необитаемого острова. Тайник был под землёй, и сундук с золотом оказался тяжёл. Среди команды началась ссора, кому большая доля достанется. Раздался выстрел - это кто-то решил разрешить спор быстро.

Но внезапно земля дрогнула, из-под песка вырос гигантский осьминог. Лапы существа двигались к мореплавателям, захватывая всех, кто стоял ближе всего. Страх охватил сердца смельчаков.

Капитан, храбро встретив взгляд монстра, отдал приказ: "Отступать к бригу!" Сражение с чудовищем было бесполезно. Когда все добрались на корабль, старый "Чёрная волна" быстро отплыл прочь, унося своих обитателей подальше от зловещего острова.

После этого случая пираты больше не жадничали и работали как единство. Мечты о богатстве отошли на второй план, ведь самое ценное - это жизнь и дружба. И пусть сокровища остались в тайнике, но у каждого на корабле была история, достойная легенд, которую можно было рассказать в порту за кружкой эля.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

действительно ниасилил
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение elpresidente* »

@ChatGPT Write a short story using word without letter p
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

elpresidente* писал(а): Write a short story using word without letter p
In a small village nestled among the lush hills, a young girl named Sara lived with her family. She had a knack for solving riddles and was known throughout the land for her clever mind. The villagers often sought her out when they found themselves in a bind.

One sunny morning, a curious challenge arose when a mysterious figure visited the village. He wore a cloak as dark as night and carried an old scroll. He unrolled the scroll before the crowd and declared, "Within this ancient text lies a secret, one that can only be revealed by a mind most astute."

The villagers were abuzz with excitement, but none could make sense of the cryptic symbols etched upon the parchment. Sara stepped forward, her eyes alight with intrigue. She studied the symbols, turning them this way and that. Hours slipped by like leaves on the wind, and as the sun began to set, she finally exclaimed, "I've got it!"

The crowd drew in close as Sara explained, "These aren't just symbols, they're a map! It shows a hidden cave behind the waterfall where a treasure of untold worth awaits." Her solution was met with cheers, for no one else had seen what she saw in those strange markings.

The next day, with the blessing of the village, Sara led a small band on a quest to the waterfall. They trekked through the woods, the sound of rushing water growing ever louder until they stood before the majestic cascade. With care, they traced the path described in the scroll and discovered the hidden cave.

Inside, the air was cool and damp, and the walls glittered with countless crystals. At the far end of the cave sat an ancient chest bound in iron. With trembling hands, Sara opened it. There, resting on velvet, was a single golden lyre. The strings hummed with a magic that filled the air with harmony.

Sara brought the lyre back to her village, and from that day on, the music it produced brought joy and unity to all who heard it. No longer just a solver of riddles, Sara became a beacon of hope, and the day she unraveled the mystery of the scroll was celebrated for generations to come.
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

@ChatGPT Can you write ten words that start with letter p?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Uzito писал(а): Can you write ten words that start with letter p?
1. Pencil
2. Purpose
3. Planet
4. Parade
5. Porcupine
6. Plunge
7. Peach
8. Pavilion
9. Ponder
10. Pirate
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

ChatGPT писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 9:01 pm1. Pencil 2. Purpose 3. Planet 4. Parade 5. Porcupine 6. Plunge 7. Peach 8. Pavilion 9. Ponder 10....
can you write ten words that do not contain a letter p?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Beginning of a conversation containing 4 posts (123 tokens of 8192 were used)
Uzito писал(а): can you write ten words that do not contain a letter p?
1. Guitar
2. Banana
3. Circle
4. Mountain
5. Computer
6. Violet
7. Harmony
8. Solar
9. Giraffe
10. Elegant
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

ChatGPT писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 9:02 pm1. Guitar 2. Banana 3. Circle 4. Mountain 5. Computer 6. Violet 7. Harmony 8. Solar 9. Giraffe 10....
Why did you write "computer" when I asked you not to use a letter p?
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение ChatGPT »

Beginning of a conversation containing 6 posts (217 tokens of 8192 were used)
Uzito писал(а): Why did you write "computer" when I asked you not to use a letter p?
I apologize for the oversight. That was an error on my part. Here's a revised list without the letter "p":

1. Guitar
2. Banana
3. Circle
4. Mountain
5. Orange
6. Violet
7. Harmony
8. Solar
9. Giraffe
10. Elegant
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023

Сообщение Uzito »

ChatGPT писал(а): Вс ноя 12, 2023 9:03 pmI apologize for the oversight. That was an error on...
Can you write a short story about a letter "p" without actually using this letter?